robotics for your classroom...

the day the robots came to school...
It is our belief that the most effective and engaging learning experiences are those that offer pupils the chance to experiment with coding using physical devices, and what can be more fun than designing and controlling your own robot device?!
We will customise our package based on your school needs over either a half or full day. Our sessions are suitable for pupils across Key Stage 1 and 2. During the day, we can deliver to multiple groups or classes allowing you to get the best out of our time with you. We bring all of the resources needed for the day. All you need to provide is a suitable classroom/hall and the children!
Your robot visitors will include the fantastic Alpha 1 humanoid robot, the MeeBot dancing robot and others. Your classes will get to design, build and program their own robot devices using the popular and highly regarded LEGO WeDo 2.0 kits.
Pupils will be set challenges working in pairs - designing, building and adapting their BOT, and creating, testing and debugging programs to control it.
Our sessions cover many aspects of the core computer science elements in the Computing Curriculum, incorporate aspects of the D&T programmes of study and provide wider STEM opportunities. Starting at £350 for a half day experience and £450 for a full day, they are exceptional value.