robotics for your classroom...

Planning the day
We will work with you to plan the day to fit in with your school requirements and to best match the age range(s) of your pupils. Although our standard package assumes that pupils have limited, if any previous experience of WeDo 2.0 or robotics in general, we can adapt the experience to account for prior knowledge.
Although there is a little flexibility, the minimum length of a class session needs to be 90 minutes. A two hour session is better and a whole morning or afternoon session will give your pupils the fullest experience with a greater range of activities.
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Preparing for your experience
It is important to us that your pupils have the best experience possible. We will do everything we can to ensure this, but there are a few things you need to do to ensure that the days runs smoothly:
Provide a suitable indoor space for the experience. A spacious classroom works well, but a hall with tables set up for working at is ideal.
We need access to the room at least an hour prior to the start of the experience and usually for a similar period at the end of the day.
The room you provide must have provision for power. Whilst we will bring our own extension leads and multi plug blocks, ideally we like to have at least four available 13 Amp sockets.
If the allocated room already has projection facilities or an LCD screen, please let us know. If the room doesn’t have these facilities, we will bring an LCD projector and will either need a plain wall to project onto or alternatively, we can bring a compact screen.
A BLOCKYBOT experience can be quite noisy! Your children will be very excited and particularly so during the challenges. Additionally, a number of your robot visitors make quite a bit of noise!
Although we are fully trained teachers, we do expect that either a teacher or teaching assistant is with us throughout the day to support and deal with any school or pupil-specific issues.
If we are delivering a whole day experience, we will need a 30 minute lunchbreak approximately half way through the day. We will obviously fit this in with your school day.
Our consultants carry an electronic version of their enhanced DBS certificate. If your school needs to see their original document, please request this prior to the date of your event.
Our health and safety policy and risk assessments can be viewed here
Our full terms and conditions can be viewed here
Enquiries & Bookings
You can email us, use our contact form or telephone us to make an enquiry or book an experience.
Email -
Telephone – 0800 772 0072 or 07590 065590